Introducing… an Introductory Package!

If you’ve ever stepped into our boutique just to “have a look around,” you might have been overwhelmed by the number of products on the shelves. Where to begin? What to try first? Maybe you were tempted by everything, but buying one of each product seemed a little bit excessive. If that sounds like you, you’re in luck! Pick up our Introductory Package to Essentique, and sample a few of our most-loved products.

Each package contains a shampoo, a conditioner, two face masks, and a body oil.

For the shampoo, you can choose between For-Bitten and Quench. For-Bitten is our clarifying shampoo made with apple, excellent for hair weighed down by oils or product build-up. This hair wash leaves your hair smooth, fresh, and clean. Quench is a super moisturizing hair wash perfect for those with dry or frizzy hair. It helps eliminate frizz and leaves hair silky, lustrous, and relaxed, while also doing good things for your scalp.

For the conditioner, choose either Blue Bliss or RevitAçai. Blue Bliss is a nourishing conditioner for normal to dry hair that will leave your hair hydrated, healthy, and glossy. RevitAçai breathes new life and vitality into dry, salon-stressed hair, eliminating frizz and maximizing moisture to leave your hair smooth, shiny, and radiant.

Clean Clay is a detoxifying masque that pulls excess dirt and oil from the skin, leaving it feeling smooth, tight, and toned. Vipaka Face Pack is an Ayurvedic face mask with a cooling combination of ingredients that soothe, hydrate, and heal your skin, stimulating circulation and giving you healthy, glowing skin. Both of these masks come in powdered form: customize them by adding water, hydrosols, tea, yogurt, honey, or more to turn them into a paste.

The body oil, Soma, is a luxurious blend of many different carrier oils that will leave your skin hydrated, nourished, and smooth, but not greasy. It comes in four scents corresponding to the different seasons: magnolia for spring, musk rose for summer, carnation for fall, and cyclamen for winter.

If you’re looking to discover Essentique or introduce a friend, this introductory package is right for you!


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