Peels have been around from ancient times. Egyptians, Romans and Greeks used several different natural ingredients such as sour milk, mustard, sulfur and limestone to exfoliate, smooth and rejuvenate the skin. Peels can be superficial or deep. Light and superficial peels are considered to be safe and can be done on a monthly basis. Deep peels are painful and can produce scarring and hyperpigmentation and are only performed professionally and not more than once every few years.
There is a general perception that the more aggressive the peel the more effective it would be. That is not necessarily true. You can achieve the same results by performing a number of superficial peels which are natural and plant based. Peels from natural enzymes are more gentle on skin with less stress and irritation and downtime. You only need to have the discipline for it. Enzymes found in fruits like pumpkins and papaya and pineapple are promisingly effective. Let’s talk about Essentique’s Pumpkin Peel.
It contains proteases that are capable of breaking down dead cells on the top layer of the skin that can help brighten up skin and is comparable with administration of 4% Glycolic Acid. It is extremely non-invasive, like applying USP grade Glycerin!
You can also use a cleanser with fruit enzymes such as Uplift. This way you are performing a very gentle peel every night that you are cleaning your face!
Go natural, go gentle with your skin! It will pay off in the long run!