Anxiety: What we feel when we are worried

Whether you're feeling anxious or just want to relax your mind and body, essential oils can have a calming effect. Find out how to use them and even make your own blend.


At certain times in our lives we all feel anxious about something. For most of us it lasts for a short period of time. Anxiety is a combination of fears and worries that makes it hard for us to do our everyday tasks and it often affects our sleep. Some people are more prone to anxiety. The stressors can cause a state of strain or tension that contributes to over activation of our sympathetic nervous system as well as overabundance of circulating catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine). This is how it usually works: we have an almond shaped mass of gray matter in our brain that is a neural system for processing fearful and threatening stimuli. It detects the threat and starts a sympathetic activation in response to the threat or danger.

How can essential oils help with anxiety?

There are several essential oils that have useful properties for relieving anxiety.


These are essential oils that can relieve anxiety by blocking the action of certain chemicals in our nervous system, such as Frankincense.


These essential oils have calming effects and are great for relieving tension and insomnia, like Sweet Marjoram.


These are essential oils that relax the nervous system, like Roman Chamomile.


These essential oils are great for relieving muscle spasms, like Basil.

Here is the list of essential oils with beneficial properties for relieving anxiety:

Basil, Bay laurel, Bergamot, Clary Sage, Cypress, Ginger, Geranium, Grapefruit, Roman Chamomile, Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Rosemary, Sweet Marjoram, Neroli, Rose, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang

You can also use conifer oils such as Fir and Cedarwood to deepen your breathing that may help with relaxation of the mind and body.

If you want to address anxiety by making your own essential oil blend please check our essential oil catalog and pick some you are drawn to and start blending.

When you make your blend there are several methods for applying it:

You can diffuse the blend. You can use a 2.5% dilution of the blend in a carrier oil of your choice and massage the body with it. You can simply smell it off the bottle. You can put a couple of drops of it on a cotton ball and keep it under your pillow. Adding it to your bath is another great option that increases a sense of well-being.


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